The super thing with a dog is that there are no need for Home Security Systems! When people ask us,
what do you have for a security system? We answer, smiling, Oh we have a furry Loud alarm system
called Oscar. Oscar is the official guardian of our home, he comes equipped with not only a piercing bark alarm, but extremely sharp teeth and legs with which to run frantically all over the house. He especially is focused on the living room area which he guards like Fort Knox. The Fort Knox of bones n treats. :O) It's sooo funny though when the alarm sounds because of wild turkey crossing the front yard, or an annoying gopher that we have visiting us on occasion, one would think the calvary had arrived! Also when the neighbors come home from work its an all-out frenzy in our living room with our little security guard dashing from each window worrying himself to bits about a possible 62r in progress (a residential burglary). He also gets concerned about people disturbing the peace and inevitably we have the neighbor with the pumpin' car stereo right next door, in Oscar's book this is a DEFINITE 415. LOL. Needless to say, our neighborhood, while fairly quiet, still has a number of families that move around normally, and this gets our little guard dog pretty stoked on a daily basis. We would have to live in the far reaches of Alaska to have silence in our house. While a bark collar has been recommended, we have not silenced our security force, yet. :O) Till the next episode. Over and out.
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