Friday, January 22, 2010

Oscar meets snow

Traveling for three days is challenging.  Traveling for three days with your spouse who has opinions about EVERYTHING is even harder.  Traveling for three days with your spouse, your beloved pet, and approximately 30 presents, 4 pieces of luggage, all the pets toys and snacks and bedding and everything you can think of to make him happy....... utter INSANITY!  Poor Oscar who is approximately 46 lbs., give or take a cookie or two, was squished into a spot fit for a chihuahua.  He would look at me with his little sad looks every single time I put him back into the car.  We had to stop three times as much, look for hotels that accept animals (God Bless La Quinta Inn), and find things at PetSmart and Petco that we didn't know existed.  For example, booties with tough bottoms so that the Osk-meister's not-so-wittle feet wouldn't crack due to the salt-laden pavement in snow country.  Oscar saw his FIRST snow in Flagstaff, Arizona and it was a beautiful and hilarious thing!  "Daddy" took him out as I was in a rush to check out the mesmerizing tiles in the ExxonMobil station.  As soon as I came back out Oscar ran back up to me all worried and whining.  I could tell he was terrified by the snow.  Poor thang!  Much more in the future about our holiday travels, and a H! appy New Year to you all.